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Respawn Items

Some items in PRO may respawn, in this guide i'll recommend  you some items which will reappear

in some day.

1.Valuable Items

Kanto Region - Star Piece

Location: Mt. Moon B1F @Route 3

Cooldown: 8 Days

Hoenn Region - Stardust

Location: Route 106 @leftside of Dewford Town

Cooldown: 7-20 Days 

Hoenn Region - Big Pearl

Location: Route 109 @South of Slateport City

Cooldown: 23 Days

Hoenn Region - Pearl

Location: Route 108 

Cooldown: 17 Days

Hoenn Pearl Route 108.png

Hoenn Region - Pearl

Location: Route 116 

Cooldown: 11-21 Days

Route 116 Pearl.png

Hoenn Region - Tiny Mushroom

Location: Petalburg Woods

Cooldown: 12 Days #Paras or Parasect will help them grow more 

2.Rare Candy

Kanto Region - Rare Candy

Location: Viridian City @From bottom left corner through the bridge

Cooldown: 7 Days

Kanto Region - Rare Candy

Location: Route 12 #transparent item

Cooldown: 20 Days

Sinnoh Region - Rare Candy

Location: Route 206 (South of Eterna City)

Cooldown: Unknown

Sinnoh RC.png


Hoenn Region - Revive

Location: Route 104 @South of Rustboro City

Cooldown: unknown

Hoenn Region - Zinc

Location: Route 115 @North of Rustboro City

Cooldown: unknown

Hoenn Region - Iron

Location: Route 12 

Cooldown: 11 Days

Hoenn Region - Potion

Location: Petalburg Woods @Bottom right corner

Cooldown: unknown

Hoenn Region - Ultra Ball x 5

Location: Rustboro City

Cooldown: unknown

Rustboro city ultra ball.png

Johto Region - Max Potion

Location: Underground Warehouse(B2F of Department Store @Goldenrod City)

Cooldown: unknown

Johto Max Potion.png

Johto Region - Revive

Location: Underground Warehouse(B2F of Department Store @Goldenrod City)

Cooldown: unknown

Johto revive.png

Sinnoh Region: Stardust

Location: Route 212 South (Pastoria City) 

Cooldown: 7 Days

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